Alison Smith

[headline htype=”h4″] Featured Photographer[/headline]

Alison is an amateur photographer who lives and works in the far West of the region on the Rhins peninsular.

She is inspired by the stunning coastal landscapes and the open expanses of ocean that are hidden away in the beautiful Rhins of Galloway.

The many harbours, bays, beaches, wildlife and sunsets means that she has become addicted to photographing and attempting to capture the natural beauty of the area.

Alison has been a regular visitor to the area for many years and this prompted her to move and make her permanent home in the North Rhins over two and a half years ago.

She is passionate about the unspoilt landscape of the Rhins peninsular and the wider region of Dumfries and Galloway and hopes that her photographs help to convey this and encourage people to visit the area to experience its natural beauty for themselves.

Her images are captured using a Nikon D40 SLR camera and various lenses.

You can see more of Alison’s work at her Facebook Page and Twitter Account

[headline htype=”h4″] Featured Images[/headline]

Click on the images to discover more about the locations, skills and camera settings