Application For Cancellation Of Dalawoodie House Care Home Registration Launched

DUMFRIES and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership (DGHSCP) is aware that the Care Inspectorate has submitted an application to the Sheriff Court seeking the Cancellation of Registration of Dalawoodie Care Home at Newbridge, outside Dumfries.


DGHSCP’s paramount concern is the welfare of the 26 residents of the care home and their families.


DGHSCP has been providing some support and assistance to the care home in recent weeks following the issue of an Improvement Notice by the Care Inspectorate to the care home, and DGHSCP is committed to ensuring that this level of support will continue.


Although Dalawoodie is operated as a private business, DGHSCP has committed a range of its own professional staff to assist the care home, and it intends to maintain a continued presence in order to provide the necessary support to the care home and oversee the provision of good care to the residents. It will continue to work with the residents and their families and ensure that their needs are met, now and going forward.


DGHSCP’s Chief Officer, Julie White, said: “This is an extremely difficult and concerning time for residents of Dalawoodie Care Home and their families.
“DGHSCP’s prime concern in this situation is the health and wellbeing of residents.
“We are maintaining a presence at the care home meantime, to ensure that care is provided at a high standard.
“DGHSCP will be working to ensure residents and families are kept apprised of developments, and that the wider community remains informed.”


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