Balance Bike launch at DG One

Balance Bike launch at DG One

Wednesday, 12 February 2014 11:21 AM

Balancing, steering and pedalling at the same time can be tricky, but not for the youngsters in Dumfries as they now have a Balance Bike class they can attend at DG One.

Balance bikes are a relatively new concept in the UK and more and more parents are opting to use them as their child prepares to cycle unaided.

By using balance bikes (without pedals) children can focus on balance, increase direction and manoeuvres and general confidence on their bikes.

The classes, organised in by our Council staff at DG One, enable the youngsters to start by straddling the bike, to lifting their feet, to coasting along. Once they have mastered balance, a switch to pedals can be made without stabilisers.

Although the children have been learning valuable road safety and cycling skills, the classes also incorporate a story telling element which keeps their attention during the class. Classes are being piloted throughout February and March and it is hoped that more classes will become available in the future.

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