Breastfeeding Celebration Week took place in June but the NHS Dumfries and Galloway Breastfeeding Peer Support Service wants to remind mums – and dads – that they run regular support groups across the region.

Breastfeeding Peer Support Co-ordinator for Nithsdale, Andrea Wilson said:  “We know that new mums can often feel a bit anxious about breastfeeding and our groups are designed to provide all the information and support new mums, and mums to be, need when they are planning or starting to breastfeed.


“We also recognise that joining a new group of people can also be a bit overwhelming so we encourage anyone who wants to come along to bring someone supportive with them.  Partners, friends, parents and often feel that there isn’t much they can do to help when a woman is breastfeeding but their role can be vital.”


Someone who knows just how valuable additional support can be is new dad Brian Findon.  He and his wife Theresa had their daughter Ava-Louise in 2013 and son Christopher in April.  Brian said:  “The support groups were really good for Theresa and me.  At first I wasn’t sure if it would be useful to us but it was interesting to learn that women with good support from their families are more likely to breastfeed for longer.  It also helped up to bond as a family in a really relaxed and supportive environment.”


Breastfeeding Peer Support Co-ordinator for Stewartry, Jenny Walker, said:  “As well as practical support and advice the groups give mums the chance to socialise with people who understand what it’s like to be breastfeeding a baby.  There are so many challenges for new parents and it’s great to be able to share experiences.


“In addition to the drop-ins there’s a dedicated team of peer support co-ordinators and volunteers who are available by phone, text and social media so there is always someone who can offer advice or just a friendly, understanding ear.”


Breastfeeding Peer Support groups run as follows:



Free Church Hall, George Street                    Monday and Tuesday, 1.00pm to 2.30pm

Lochside Children’s Services Centre               Friday, 10.30am to 12.00noon


Thornhill Community Centre                          Wednesday, 1.00pm to 3.00pm


Moffat, St Andrew’s Church Hall                                           Friday, 9.30am to 11.15am (second Friday of
the month, term time only in conjunction with toddler group)


Nursery Place Resource Centre, Annan                                 Thursday, 1.00pm to 2.30pm


St Ninian’s Church Hall, White Park Road, Castle Douglas    Thursday 1.30pm to 2.30pm


The Newton Stewart Centre (formerly The Hut)                    Tuesday 1.00pm to 2.30pm


Park Children’s Services Centre, Stranraer                            Friday 1.00pm to 3.00pm


All pregnant women and new mums are very welcome to come along.




Mums, dads and babies from around the region who have benefitted from the breast feeding support groups.


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