Southern Upland Way Diversion For Ramblers Put In Place During Bridge Repairs

Walkers advised of A701 bridge repairs – Scotland TranServ is advising ramblers and anglers using the Southern Upland Way/Annandale Way that it will be necessary to close a short section of the route near Beattock.

On behalf of Transport Scotland, Scotland TranServ will replace a total of 20 concrete cope panels on the A701 bridge which spans the Southern Upland Way/Annandale Way and Evan Water from Monday 12th of June until Thursday 15th June, 2017. The trunk road however, will remain open throughout the works.

Frank Quither, Scotland TranServ’s Project Manager said:

“Inspections of the structure revealed some deterioration to these cope panels located above the Southern Upland Way/Annandale Way Footpath. If unattended this deterioration could present a potential hazard to walkers and anglers using this section of the route. Our works will deliver tangible, long term benefits to those using the path for walking and fishing.”

The short £5k programme of work will remove the deteriorated vertical faces of cope panels on the exterior parapets on either side of the Evan Water. Access to work areas will be via the cycle path and existing verge on either side of the structure. No traffic management measures are required to undertake these works.

A short diversionary route will be implemented for walkers while the work is carried out. This includes:

  • Continuing NW on Barnhill Lane to Junction 15 of the M74
  • SW through Junction 15, using the existing footpath. Return through footpath exit

While the Southern Upland Way/Annandale Way is not directly part of our network, we acknowledge that essential maintenance works carried out on our structures may impact those using this walking route.

We are scheduling a number of schemes that will deliver long-term lasting benefits to those using the trunk road network across South West Scotland.

Andy Fraser, Scotland TranServ’s Operating Company Representative added:

“Across the region, we’re working on behalf of Transport Scotland to prioritise such maintenance issues and deliver a programme of improvements as quickly, efficiently and safely as we possibly can. Working collaboratively with Police Scotland and the Local Authority, we have scheduled this short project to be delivered with maximum efficiency and minimal disruption.”   

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