Southern Scottish Counties Burns Association Hold AGM at Ellisland


Delegates from Burns Clubs throughout the region gathered for their Annual General Meeting at Ellisland Farm on 20th May and were welcomed by President Mike Duguid.

Before business, the company was treated to a sparkling show from a group of talented youngsters from local schools who had represented the region at the National Schools Festival and had returned with several trophies.

Archie Gallagher, Ella McTeir, Molly McTeir and Rowan Hastie delighted the audience with spirited songs and recitations from Robert Burns. The President congratulated Rowan Hastie who was named “Junior Burnsian of the Year” for 2017 and thanked teachers and parents whom had contributed to the team’s success.


Getting down to business, reports were submitted by secretary John Caskie and treasurer Jane Brown, followed by Schools Competition Convenor David Miller and Isa Hanley who reported on the National Schools Festival.


John Caskie reviewed a most successful year where the highlights included the Commemorative Service at St. Michaels Church on 25th January which attracted a record attendance and the Brow Well Service in July when the President of the Robert Burns World Federation, Dr. Peter Hughes, delivered a stirring oration to the Bard. The President paid tribute to John Caskie for his sterling work on behalf of the association and thanked the other office bearers for their help throughout the year.


It was unanimously agreed to change the constitution to rename the SSCBA to “Dumfries & Galloway Burns Association” to reinforce its regional identity in line with other Burns Associations in Scotland.


Office bearers were re elected for the ensuing year and the President confirmed that the Brow Well Service would be held on Wednesday 19th July followed by a social gathering at the Cairndale Hotel in Dumfries


Club reports were submitted by representatives before a vote of thanks was proposed by Junior Vice President Russell Williamson.


Photo:  left to right front,  Rowan Hastie, Ella McTeir, Molly McTeir, Archie Gallagher.

Rear, Jane Brown, John Caskie, Mike Duguid, Russell Williamson.

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