Call To Help Care At Home Workers

A key method to prevent the spread of coronavirus is keeping interaction to a minimum. As a result, a request is being made to help Care at Home staff carrying out their duties within the region’s communities.


General Manager for Community Health and Social Care in Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership Graham Abrines said: “When a Care at Home worker is due to visit a home, we’d ask that anyone other than the person receiving care creates space for the worker to carry out their duties.


“Other people may live at the same address, and current national guidance permits people to visit another residence if they are providing care to a vulnerable person.
“Aside from this, there should be no other person present within these homes.
“So, if people are present for those reasons we would ask if they could arrange to either be out of the house or in another room when the care at home worker calls.
“This will really help, as it means that the worker is only coming into contact with the person needing support, keeping that interaction to the very minimum.”


People are thanked for all the help they have provided, and are asked to continue to assist Care at Home staff as they carry out essential work during this difficult period.

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