Call To Shape The Future Of Health & Social Care & Support In Region 

A 12 week consultation period on the Integration Joint Board (IJB) First Draft Strategic Commissioning Plan (SCP) 2022 – 2025 has started this week. This follows on from previous engagement across Dumfries and Galloway from late 2019 to January 2021.

The IJB are inviting people to keep the conversation going and, by doing this, continue to shape the future of care and support in Dumfries and Galloway with them.

Julie White is Chief Officer of the Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership.

She said: “We are engaging with, and encouraging, as many local people as possible to work with us to shape the future of care and support in the region.

“By actively listening and responding to the thoughts, views and lived experiences of people who access or deliver health and social care and support, we aim to ensure that the SCP reflects what is important to them.”

Opportunities to engage and work together with us to develop the SCP are available from now until mid August 2021.

Julie White said: “COVID has made engaging a challenge but work to develop the SCP has continued in spite of this.

“I would urge everyone to ensure that their voice is heard and take an active role in shaping the future of health and social care and support. By working together we can ensure that the SCP is the best it can be for everyone in Dumfries and Galloway. Thank you.”

People can get involved by

Reading the First Draft SCP on
Completing the Smart Survey on
Emailing us on [email protected]
Writing to us atStrategic Planning and Commissioning,

NHS Dumfries and Galloway,

2nd Floor, South Wing,

Mountainhall Treatment Centre,

Dumfries, DG1 4AP

Or telephoning 01387 272734

Due to COVID-19 precautions, paper copies of the First Draft SCP including the survey are only available on request and all engagement activities will be done online over MSTeams (or Zoom on request).

Engagement sessions are available over the dates shown

01/06/21    9 – 11am

15/06/21    2 – 4pm

24/06/21    2 – 3pm

05/07/21    1 – 2pm

15/07/21    1 – 3pm

21/07/21    3 – 4pm

04/08/21    1 – 3pm

09/08/21    3 – 4pm

Further dates can be arranged for you or your organisation by contacting us.

If you would like some help understanding the information contained in the Draft SCP or you need it in another format or language, please contact Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership by any of the contact details above.

The closing date for comments on the First Draft SCP is 15 August 2021.

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