Calls For Improved Access To Council Recycling Centres

PUBLIC calls for easier access to local authority household waste recycling centres are growing, according to local politicians.


Dumfriesshire MP David Mundell, constituency MSP Oliver Mundell and Annandale North councillor Lynne Davis have taken up the cause on behalf of constituents.


The three point out that whilst the current online booking system, established to limit contacts during the Covid pandemic worked well, they have been made aware of a growing demand for a return to the previous more relaxed drop-in arrangements.


David Mundell said: “This is a vital service and it is in everyone’s interest that the council encourage the public by making it easy to transport their waste for recycling at the network of centres. 
“I regularly receive reports of items such as electrical appliances, white goods, televisions and old car batteries being dumped in places like woodlands, lay-bys and in one not untypical case this year when what looked like an old garden shed, and its potentially dangerous contents, were dumped next to the river on the Annandale Way, near Brydekirk.
”What those responsible did was clearly wrong but I suspect the culprits may have been put off by being restricted to booking in advance at the near-by recycling centre and a perception of intrusive record-keeping.”

Oliver Mundell condemned all those who fly-tipped or appeared persistently addicted to throwing from vehicles smaller waste items such as drink cans, cigarette packets and carry-out meal wrappers — polluting the environment in public and private spaces.


But he said: “Sadly, the reality appears some of the people who wrongly — and illegally — fly-tip larger and other items might as an alternative have used the recycling centres if they could turn up without being restricted to a specified time slot, booked in advance.
“I’ve had anecdotal evidence from constituents that the dumping problem has become worse since casual visits to recycling centres were phased out for understandable reasons at the time. 
“I strongly favour a more relaxed access system if that leads to less littering and fly-tipping.”


Meanwhile, Councillor Davis appealed for feedback on the issue in her ward through social media.


She said: “I asked local people if they considered the online advance booking was useful or a hindrance?
“Whilst some liked the system, more indicated they preferred the freedom of turning up at the recycling centre when they had completed whatever task they were doing. They disliked being locked into a time slot.
“I was also concerned to find out that a relatively high percentage of people who currently book slots do not actually turn up for them. That seems to be a waste in itself.”


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