DSC_3272As we approach the season where thoughts begin to turn to Guy Fawkes Night and bonfires, Police Scotland, The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Community Safety Team, DG First and Trading Standard and the local Registered Social Landlords are again joining forces in an attempt to ensure that this time of year is a safe and enjoyable time for everyone in the community. History tells us that traditionally this time of year can be a busy one for the emergency services due to the misuse of fireworks in our towns and villages in the run up to 5 November.

Sergeant Jim McLatchie from Police Scotland says “over the years we have come to expect a busier time than usual in the run up to bonfire night and have, for a number of years now joined with partners in the Fire and Rescue Service and Trading Standards Department of the Council to deal robustly with the illegal use of fireworks. In particular our aim is to ensure that our streets and communities remain safe places to be during the weeks and days in the approach to bonfire night. Fireworks and bonfires are for the 5 November, or perhaps a day or two either side of this date, not two and three weeks prior to the date. Our patrols will be out and about to ensure that antisocial behaviour involving fireworks does not become a problem in our communities and we are asking for the help of the public to report any such instances, or indeed any issues with the illegal use of fireworks to us through our non emergency 101 number.

“Working with our Trading Standards colleagues we will also be visiting outlets for fireworks across the region to ensure those selling them are complying with law regarding ages and other conditions. Schools will be visited where pupils will be reminded of the dangers that the illegal use of fireworks can bring about.”

Station Manager Peter Morgan of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service says “It is important that bonfire night is a safe and enjoyable time for all. Do follow the “Fireworks Code” and follow all manufacturers’ instructions. Keep fireworks in a closed metal box and take them out one at a time. Keep pets indoors and warn neighbours if you intend to have a fireworks display. “

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