Study Aims to Cast Light on Carers Support Concerns

A STUDY is set to gather the views of thousands of unpaid Carers across Dumfries and Galloway.

Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care have prepared a survey after national data indicated a decline in the number of Carers who feel supported in their roles.

Commissioning Officer Larel Currie said: “Information was gathered as part of the Scottish Government’s wide-ranging Health and Care Experience Survey, and it said the percentage of Carers in the region who ‘feel supported’ had decreased from 49 per cent in 2016 to 40 per cent in 2018, with 39 per cent ‘neutral’.
 “However, now more than ever Carers should feel supported and able to obtain the help they need – thanks to the arrival in April of the Carers (Scotland) Act, the new Carers Charter which enshrines their rights, and a requirement for local authorities to provide an information and advice service for Carers.
“Obviously, we and the Integration Joint Board want to gain a better understanding of the situation, so we are gearing up our own work aimed at obtaining answers.”

Carers are now being asked to take part in a survey which will ask them their perspective on the support they receive, and what they understand to mean as being ‘supported’.

This information will then be used to shape the approach to ensuring Carers are aware of what support is available and helping to improve access.

Jim McColm, Carer Representative on the Integration Joint Board, said: “From experience, many people in the region don’t actually realise that they are unpaid Carers.
“And then, some of those who do make that realisation are not aware of what support is available to them.
“We need to ensure that anyone serving as a Carer in Dumfries and Galloway is aware that they have an officially recognised role, and that people are here to help.

To access the online survey, visit the website


For a paper copy please telephone 01387 246 941 or email: [email protected]

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