Galloway and West Dumfries MSP, Finlay Carson, has met with network providers to discuss connectivity issues in his constituency.


Mr Carson met with representatives from Three, BT and Vodafone to highlight concerns about poor reception and lack of coverage in certain parts of Dumfries and Galloway.


Issues surrounding mobile phone reception and broadband speeds are among the most common ones that constituents contact Mr Carson about.


He said:


“It is unacceptable that in 2016 some areas in my constituency cannot get access to low speed broadband, never mind superfast, and suffer from very poor mobile phone reception.


“Small and medium sized businesses are the backbone of our local economy.  To survive and prosper they need access to high speed broadband to carry out their daily activities.


“At the meetings with Three, BT and Vodafone I raised the concerns expressed to me by my constituents and urged them to consider what they could do to improve capacity in the network to ensure that rural areas, such as Galloway and West Dumfries, are not left behind when it comes to connectivity.


“In my maiden speech I said that these issues were the most pressing and most important.  I hope the network companies and the Scottish Government will take positive steps in the near future to redress the imbalance in Dumfries and Galloway when it comes to high speed broadband and mobile phone reception”.

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