Finlay Carson MSP visits Kirkcudbright Primary School

Galloway and West Dumfries MSP Finlay Carson has today, Monday the 24th of April 2017 visited Kirkcudbright Primary School to take part in a Q&A session with pupils at the school.

Finlay was delighted to be asked to meet with the P7 pupils to discuss the Scottish Parliament, the role of an MSP and take time to answer any questions the pupils might have.

Commenting on the visit, Finlay said:

“It was great to be in Kirkcudbright Primary School today and meet with such a positive group of young people. The questions covered a broad range of subjects and really put me through my paces.
“Visiting schools to meet with local youngsters is a highlight of my day and I am always so encouraged to find such bright, engaged and astute young people taking a keen interest in politics and current affairs.”

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