Galloway & West Dumfries MSP Finlay Carson MSP recently attended ‘Mums and Tots’ at Kirkcudbright Parish Church Hall to hear first-hand the issues that mattered to them.
Commenting on the visit, Finlay said:
“It was great to be asked along to meet with the ‘Mums and Tots’ and to participate in their morning session. It is a very much valued community orientated group, which actively encourages everybody to come along from mums and dads with new babies to parents with pre-school children.”
Finlay added:
“It was of great concern to hear that one of the main worries of the parents was future capacity levels at Kirkcudbright Primary School.
“Since the visit I have written to Dumfries and Galloway Council seeking assurances surrounding the current and ongoing capacity of Kirkcudbright Primary School and will advise the Mums and Tots Group of the response I receive.”