Castle Douglas Soap Box Derby Team Give Back to The Community

The team behind the highly succesful 2019 Castle Douglas Soap Box Derby spent months fundraising for the event and have been donating some of the left over funds from this years derby to local organisations. The first cheque of £250.00 was presented this week to Castle Douglas Hospital. 

Matt McKerlie from the CSBD team told DGWGO “We wanted to give something back as a lot of the teams family members have been cared forat Castle Douglas Cottage Hospital in some way or another,  the hospital is a real asset to the town that  we feelsometimes doesn’t really get enough credit and support.”


A Spokesperson fro the hospital staff said  “Thanks to the Soap Box Derby  organisers and every one that supported their event for their fantastic donation, donations like this help us purchase new equipment for patients and this gesture shows great community support.” 

Over 5000 people attended the Soap Box Derby held on King Street Castle Douglas earlier this month, when 24 teams competed to see who had built the best and fastest kart. The huge success of the event has inspired the team of organisers to hold another Soap box Derby in the town in 2020. Entry to the 2020 event will open on August 1st, you can keep up to date with all the info on how to enter by clicking HERE.