Today Tuesday 10th of March is the International Day of Awesomeness when all over the world people will take the time to celebrate the people and things in their lives that are truly awesome.
In Dumfries and Galloway Micro-markets co-ordinator Karen Booth is asking you to celebrate the awesomeness of local micro-enterprises that are providing support and care to older people in their own communities.
Karen said: “Across the country older people and people with long term conditions have more control over the care and support services they need. In Dumfries and Galloway there are lots of enterprising people and groups offering small, personal and flexible services that help people live full and interesting lives as active members of their local communities.
“In the first year the project received 60 enquiries from people across Dumfries and Galloway who were interested in offering a wide range of services or supports to other local people. Ideas included support to enable people to dance, engage in music and art, to get help at home and to forge and maintain friendships.”
One successful group is Whithorn Arts Group (WAG), which was set up by David Coe. Not one to sit back and put his feet up, David is proving that retirement is for living life to the full and he loves every minute of it.
A graphic designer by profession and with a passion for art, David decided to set up an arts group in his local community. With a small grant from the Putting You First Day Fund, support from the Micro – markets co-ordinator and Building Healthy Communities (BHC) in the Machars, the group is going from strength to strength and has a full programme of events and classes for 2015.
David said: “I can’t believe that there is so much interest in the group and the feedback from everyone is so positive and encouraging. We now have a membership of 27, everyone is having fun, learning new skills, socialising and I’m busier than ever.”
To find out more about WAG please contact David Coe on 01988 500 368
For further information about the Micro-markets project please contact Karen Booth on 07824 016409 or by email at [email protected].

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