A presentation to celebrate the success of the Graduate Scheme for 2013-14 was held on Thursday 15 May

The informal presentation and lunch was attended by the Graduates who were appointed to various positions within Dumfries and Galloway Council last year. The 7 Graduates have now completed their 8 month placements and were thanked for all their efforts and good work in their specific project at the presentation by Paul Clarkin (Head of Organisational Development and Human Resources) and Council Leader (and Chair of Policy and Resources Committee) Ronnie Nicholson.

Of the 7 Graduates, 5 have been successful in achieving further employment in Dumfries and Galloway Council. One has been recruited to a post within NHS Dumfries and Galloway and one is awaiting to hear the outcome of 2 separate interviews.

The 2014-15 scheme is currently at the shortlisting stage and the number of candidates applying rose again this year.