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Cree Valley Community Woodlands Trust were awarded funding from Heritage Lottery Fund to undertake a Woodland Heritage Project within their managed woodlands in the Cree Valley in Wigtownshire, Dumfries & Galloway.

The key aspects of the archaeology element of the project were to undertake a survey of some of the known archaeological sites within the woodlands. Archaeologist Becky Shaw (Rebecca Shaw Archaeological Services) was commissioned by CVCWT to help manage the archaeological works.

The archaeology project started last May with another phase in September (the photos below show: one of the structures and the bowl of the Kiln Barn that were excavated last year at Clauchrie settlement in Knockman Wood)


We are due to undertake a final phase of archaeological works at Knockman Wood,near Minnigaff, Newton Stewart from the 19th to 24th May (inclusive). The works will mainly comprise the revealing and recording of the remains of a farmstead and associated enclosures, through general clearance and plane table survey. Should time allow works will also be continued at the Kiln Barn that was excavated last year.

Anyone interested or who wishes to come along on any of the 5 days should contact Pete or Linda at [email protected] or telephone 01671 401423.


Article Supplied for DGWGO by Rebecca Shaw Archaeological Services 

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