James King Coaches/ABC Travel (Castle Douglas) Ltd – Update on licences
On 11 June 2014, the companies lodged an appeal on the decision to revoke their Operators licence’s from 23.59 on Friday 11 July 2014. This appeal was lodged with the Upper Tribunal of the Court and Tribunals Judiciary. As part of this process they also lodged a request on 27 June 2014 to stay (postpone) when their licence was due to be revoked until an appeal was heard.

SWestrans and Dumfries and Galloway Council were required to continue to honour existing contracts with the companies until a decision on this request to postpone was made. This process was not within the control of SWestrans or the Council.

A decision has now been that the stay is not granted. Therefore, replacement contracts are being awarded to other operators to replace the routes affected. It should be noted that some routes have amended timetables.

Changes to bus services will be posted on and on the
Updated timetables will also be posted at the relevant bus stops (this will happen as quickly as possible)
Given the lack of time between this decision and when the licenses are due to be revoked, there will be some short-term impact on services to allow the replacement services to become fully operational.

SWestrans will seek to update information on services as soon as possible and on an ongoing basis until full service is implemented. Travellers should consult the SWestrans or Dumfries and Galloway Council websites for the most up-to-date information

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