Dumfries & Galloway Charities Pledge to Climb Equivalent to Everest in 24 hours

Marie Curie, the terminal illness charity, is teaming up with Dumfries & Galloway Advocacy Service, the region wide charity, to deliver a fundraising challenge across the entire county to raise funds and awareness for both fantastic causes.


Marie Curie and D&G Advocacy are encouraging people to get involved with their summer fundraising challenge – The Great Everest Challenge 2017. A group of adventurous hill-walkers will be climbing the equivalent height of Mount Everest, 29,029ft, across Dumfries & Galloway in just 24 hours! These brave supporters will be counting on local support, sponsorships and encouragement to complete their challenge.  Fitness and determination are key for this section of the fundraiser — if you think you’re up for it, get in touch with Pamela Deans, Chief Executive at D&G Advocacy on 01387 247237.


Marie Curie and D&G Advocacy are also urging local people to get involved and take on smaller challenges with their friends, family or colleagues. A list of suggested hills and routes across the region is available, or alternatively, choose your own personal challenge and raise some pennies!


Marie Curie provides care and support to people living with a terminal illness and their families. In Dumfries & Galloway, Marie Curie have 28 nurses who provide hands-on care and emotional support. Dumfries & Galloway Advocacy Service is a free, confidential and independent advocacy service supporting vulnerable people across the region to have their voice heard.


Robert French, a D&G Advocacy board member said: “D&G Advocacy is really important to me, and the chance to fundraise for Marie Curie alongside it is just brilliant. Unfortunately, so many local people have been affected by terminal illness, so it’s vital to raise money and give something back to Marie Curie. D&G Advocacy is a small charity, but it makes a huge difference to people’s lives, so this event will be important to raise awareness of our work”.
“This event is perfect for everyone – no matter their fitness levels. Just let us know that you’re interested, choose a challenge and start fundraising for two local and extremely relatable charities” said Georgia Ramplin, Marie Curie Community Fundraiser for Dumfries & Galloway.


To donate click HERE 

To find more information on these two charities visit www.mariecurie.org.uk or www.dgadvocacy.co.uk



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