Jane Sloan who is leader of a  volunteers group , young and old, who look after Aldouran Wetland Garden  at Leswalt near  Stranraer and enjoy it thoroughly contacted DGWGO today , Jane told us :-

During a Saturday morning tidy up yesterday in preparation for our big day on Easter Monday when we have our April at Aldouran event as part of the D and G Wild Spring Festival, the volunteers (9 adults and 9 children) discovered that sixteen of the railings on the boardwalk had been damaged beyond repair. (We also discovered disgusting graffitti on the whiteboard in the bird hide and that the raft we use to clean the pond had been removed from where it is kept and was lying on the edge of the pond. These were more minor things but nasty nonetheless.)

This damage was done on Friday evening. We have no idea who might have been responsible but it’s sickening for a group of volunteers of all ages who give their time freely to maintain and improve this beautiful area to realise that anyone could even contemplate being involved in such a mindless act.

Police Scotland are investigating

Meantime, we have been very heartened by the public response to our plight. Thanks to the internet and social media in particular, word got around very quickly yesterday afternoon and we have been inundated with support and offers of help.
The situation now is that the boards are to be replaced tomorrow afternoon by volunteers from Apex who came forward as soon as they heard what had happened.
Jewsons have also offered the wood required free of charge. What lovely gestures! Our faith in human nature has been restored and we are reminded how lucky we are to live where we do!


You can find more about this fantastic project on this link

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