Throughout 2017 the Community Payback Unpaid Workers have been busy working in partnership to support improvements in the town centre alongside the Council’s Town Centre Ambassador Lorraine Wilson.
The Community Payback Unpaid Worker built a fantastic planter on the Whitesands which is located near to Dez Plants. The planter will be maintained by Dez Plant and supported by The People’s Project. The Community Payback unpaid workers have also been busy repairing and renovating all benches in the town centre and the Whitesands as well as removing weeds graffiti from around the town. This is only some of the ongoing work that they have been involved with in the town centre, which they will continue throughout 2018.
Cllr Stephen Thompson Chair of Social Work Committee said: “Community Payback Unpaid Work are proud to support the local community by helping to build, refurbish and repair town centre fixtures and fittings such as bollards and planters. Community Payback are actively seeking new ways to strengthen our work in local communities and welcome any ideas of future projects the public would like to see carried out. Referrals and suggestions can be made via the Dumfries and Galloway Council website under ‘Community Payback’”.
Andy Ferguson, Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Communities Committee commented: “It’s great to see such good work being carried out in order to brighten Dumfries town centre. This is a great way to benefit the local community and is an excellent use of time for those carrying out Community Payback Orders. It would be good to see the public coming forward with ideas for future projects.”
Vice Chair of Communities, John Martin also commented: “I am delighted that the community and local businesses have got behind this project and are working to keep the planters filled. This project is a great way for those carrying out Community Payback Orders to learn extra skills and put their time to good use.”