Consultation Has Started On Role Of Four Local Cottage Hospitals

CONSULTATION has now started on how to make best use of four of the region’s cottage hospitals – running from 17 May to 18 August.


Work has been taking place since the start of last year on Right Care, Right Place, engaging with stakeholders on models for delivery of treatment, care and support in the communities of Dumfries and Galloway.


Director of Strategic Planning and Transformation David Rowland said: “A huge amount of engagement activity has taken place with members of the public, staff, local GPs and elected members over the past 15 months. All of that work has been aimed at looking to ensure we have safe, sustainable models for meeting health and social care needs over the coming years.
“Our initial work saw us engage around bed-based intermediate care, before going on to consult on a flexible-model for this approach – which was agreed by Dumfries and Galloway Integration Joint Board IJB) in September last year.

“However, we’ve also engaged around how to make best use of our cottage hospitals to meet the needs of local people and avoid unnecessary travel out of the area. In particular, we’ve engaged around the four locations where in-patient services are suspended – in Moffat, Thornhill, Kirkcudbright and Newton Stewart.

“Having engaged with a range of stakeholders, six options for each of these facilities have been developed and brought to the IJB who have approved that they go out for formal public consultation.
“An extensive programme of consultation is set to take place, with in-person drop-in events taking place right across the region as well as virtual consultation events and the opportunity to submit responses online.
“All of this goes live this Friday May 17 2024, running until August 18 2024, and with all the information available at this following website from Friday:
“Anybody seeking more information can also call 07385413671.
“Once the consultation is complete, the responses will be brought to the IJB where decisions are expected to be taken.

“Ensuring that we have a well-planned, effective and sustainable model for delivering community-based health and social care in Dumfries and Galloway is crucial, and I would urge everyone to get involved and fully consider the options which have been developed.

“It’s very important that when the IJB meets to consider the outcomes later this year that the decisions it takes are fully informed by the perspectives and experiences of people who live in these communities and who work within health and social care. Please do take the time to get involved, and to have your say.
“Right Care, Right Place is a continuing programme, and although the current focus is on these four locations, beyond this immediate focus we’ll be continuing to develop approaches which best serve all the communities in our region.”


Details will be available from Friday 17 May at the website

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