Contractor Engaged to Complete Works on Landmark Building in Stranraer

Another major milestone has been reached in the redevelopment of the former George Hotel, Stranraer. Clark Contracts, has been selected to complete the work required for the creation of a new arts, culture, and activity centre, which harmonises with the original architecture of the building.

This landmark building, with its rich history and architectural significance, is poised to regain its former glory and become a vibrant hub in the heart of the town. The project was successful in receiving funding from the UK Government’s Levelling-Up Fund as part of Dumfries and Galloway’s ‘Re-activating Galloway’ bid, which supports three projects across the region.

It is anticipated that work will commence on-site in late October 2023. Officers are in close contact with local businesses to keep them updated regarding any potential disruption due to the ongoing works.

Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Economy and Resources committee, Cllr Ian Carruthers, expressed enthusiasm for this significant milestone, stating:
“Dumfries and Galloway Council previously identified the condition of the former George Hotel in Stranraer as a priority project within our Reshaping Stranraer and the West programme, as it was considered to be a major local landmark which was at severe risk of further deterioration, undermining efforts to support the economic resilience and regeneration of Stranraer town centre. We are delighted to announce that we have successfully engaged Clark Contracts as the contractor for the George Hotel restoration and renovation. With their specific expertise, we are confident that they will bring our community-led vision to life.”
Cllr David Inglis, Vice Chair, said:
“This marks a significant milestone in the George Hotel project. As well as enhancing the beauty and vigour of this magnificent building, redeveloping the former George Hotel into a central community-led hub will contribute to Stranraer’s economic growth and revitalisation. In addition to being a significant and much-loved part of Stranraer’s heritage, the George Hotel project represents a major investment in the town’s future. We are confident that this project will attract tourists, create employment opportunities, as well as enhance the strong sense of community pride that exists within Stranraer and its surrounding communities.”

The George Hotel, Stranraer – Dumfries and Galloway Council (

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