Council Commit to Future of DG One

Dumfries and Galloway Councillors today reconfirmed their commitment to providing a leisure facility, fit for the future in Dumfries.

An updated report was presented to Councillors at the meeting of Dumfries and Galloway Council today (Tuesday 26 September) and Councillors agreed to continue with the remediation of the building in order to provide a facility that can be used by people of all ages from across the region.

The refurbished DG One will provide all residents of Dumfries and Galloway with a top class leisure facility, providing first rate facilities.

Council Leader, Cllr Elaine Murray said “Dumfries and Galloway Council faces significant financial pressure over the next few years and so we are aware that this is a large financial commitment, however all alternatives would carry significant financial cost, so getting the building right is out priority. To make sure that all decisions regarding spend relating to the project are fully scrutinised, all financial detail and updates on DG One will be reported to Council political group leaders on a monthly basis and reported to Full Council for their approval.”
Depute Leader, Cllr Rob Davidson, said “nobody wanted to be in this situation but we need to have a way forward that sees DG One back open. When it was built, DG One was our region’s flagship facility and we are committed to making it that flagship facility again. Our Council has a proven track record of attracting national and international sporting events to this region. Once completed DG One will enable us to even more of this, helping to attract visitors to our region, promoting what we have on our doorsteps and encouraging them to come back again.”

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