Council On Target To Invest £4.5 Million Property Projects

Members of the Council’s Economy and Resources Committee (15 November) will receive a report on the progress made on a number of projects across Dumfries and Galloway which are funded through the Council’s Property/Building Asset Class Programme.

The Council’s Property/Buildings Asset Class Capital Programme is currently forecast to
spend the full allocation of £4.551 million across numerous projects right across our region,
• Improvements to Annan Museum
• Ongoing improvements and upgrading of the facilities at Dumfries Ice Bowl
• Upgrading work at Thornhill Community Centre
• Demolition and refurbishment of toilet and changing facilities at Lochside Caravan Park, Castle Douglas.
• Replacement lighting in the Castle of St. John, Stranraer

In addition, there are various ongoing remedial works in Council owned buildings across the region, including disability access works, lighting and flooring repairs, boiler replacement, etc.

Members will also be asked to agree new projects and to approve the undertaking of energy audits across the councils non-schools estate to inform capital investment decision making regarding energy management and reduction.

New projects for the programme will include Douglas Ewart ‘Smarter Working’ at Newton
Stewart, Dumfries Ice Bowl sound system, Lockerbie Library heating system. In addition, a
request will be made for up to £15,000 for emergency repairs to Langholm War Memorial,
which have now been completed.

Chair of Economy and resources, Cllr Katie Hagmann said: “These are very important
projects which will not only maintain our community buildings across the region but will also
improve and future-proof them for generations to come. By undertaking these works we
will have sustainable and accessible assets whilst also addressing the effects of climate
change and the cost of living and energy crisis.”
Vice Chair, Cllr Sean Marshall added: “These are difficult times, with rising costs, but by
undertaking this work we are not only ensuring the enhancement and sustainability of these community assets, but also, by awarding contracts for the work, we are providing work and therefore jobs for contractors.”


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