Council Plans To Reinvigorate Economy In Stranraer & The West

Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Economy and Resources committee (16 November) will consider a report updating members on the 2018 strategic programme on Reshaping Stranraer and the West Region.

The report will outline activity since the strategic programme was agreed, including the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal and local community developments and events, and identify opportunities to strengthen local partnerships.
The report also includes information on the future of the George Hotel site and seeks committee agreement to delegate officers to work with potential development partners.

The committee will be asked to:
• Consider the update on the 2018 strategic outline programme for Reshaping Stranraer and the West of the Region.
• Note the UK and Scottish Governments’ commitment to investment in aspects of the programme secured through the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal, and other funding streams.
• Agree that the Council should adopt the concept of a One Waterfront approach to the future development of Stranraer seafront and continue to work closely with communities, strategic partners, and local businesses, focused on opportunities to realise local community ambitions and the supporting capacity to achieve this.
• Note the outline opportunity for the redevelopment of the former George Hotel, working with a strategic development partner.
• Delegate to the Head of Economy and Development to work with potential strategic developers to support them to address site constraints, with a view to secure development of the site, which positively contributes to the local community and town heritage.

Councillor Rob Davidson, chair of the Economy and Resources committee, said: “We must ensure there is a focus on supporting the west of the region so that it can contribute to the economy, locally and nationally. Our strategic programme brings together a series of Council activities and projects in the area to provide clearer links to local and community initiatives and events. It coordinates and aligns economic development support with the Priorities and Commitments in our Council Plan. ”
Councillor Archie Dryburgh, vice chair, said: “Our strategic approach demonstrates the need for investment and support in the west of our region, where indicators of deprivation and its effects are clear. By working with a range of appropriate partners and initiatives we can reinvigorate the local economy and deliver long-lasting positive impacts”

See full report at HERE

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