Council recognised by Reserve Forces Employers Awards

Dumfries and Galloway Council has received a prestigious silver award from the Reserve Forces Employers.

The Reserve Forces Employer Awards are to recognise employers for their supportive attitude towards the armed forces and their personnel over the last 12 months.

An awards dinner was held to acknowledged employers in Scotland who support the armed forces by employing reservists, veterans, disabled veterans, cadet force adult instructors, and spouses of serving members of the armed forces.

The Employer Recognition Scheme has 3 levels:
• Bronze can be gained by signing an electronic pledge on-line
• Silver is decided regionally
• Gold is presented nationally

On behalf of the Secretary of State for Defence, the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff, Sir Gordon Messenger, presented employers with Silver Award certificates.

Employers can be nominated by anyone who believes that the company or organisation meets the criteria. A regional board then considers the nominations and decides will go forward for the award. A total of 26 companies or organisations were recognised this year.

The dinner and awards ceremony were organised by the Lowland and Highland Reserve Forces Association and the Cadets Association.

Councillor Archie Dryburgh, Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Armed Forces Champion, said: “Our Council was in the vanguard of signing up to an Armed Forces Covenant. This was a clear demonstration of our commitment to supporting our armed forces. Many local men and women serve in our armed forces, carrying out difficult and often dangerous tasks on our behalf and we’re very grateful for the work that they do. Our Council actively works with as many organisations as possible to help current and ex-service personnel in the region. I’m delighted that our Council has been recognised for our commitment and support as employers. Well done to everyone involved.”

For photos of the event see:

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