Dumfries and Galloways Council’s Communities committee [11 June 2019] will consider a report on the final outcome position for the Land Asset Capital Programme 2018/19.
In February 2018, the Council agreed a funding allocation of £1.092m. During 2018/19, projects in the programme also received £44k through the Property/Buildings [other] Asset Class, resulting in a total net allocation of £1.136m.
The total spent on agreed land asset class projects in 2018/19 was £632,916:
• £91,267 on burial ground maintenance
• £112,447 on burial ground development
• £120,801 on parks, gardens and amenity space maintenance/development
• £119,332 on play areas and playing fields
• £189,069 on developing the first phase of Inclusive Play Parks
There will be a carry forward of £503,526 to 2019/20, allocated to specific projects unless otherwise agreed by members.
Councillor Andy Ferguson, chair of the Communities committee, said: “ As a Council we are committed to improving our land assets. This report shows a prudent use of the allocated budget and traditionally has had a carry forward as not all projects are active simultaneously.”
Councillor John Martin, vice chair, said: “It’s a priority for us to be an inclusive Council, so I’m pleased to see the investment in Inclusive Play Parks and anticipate the balance being spent in the coming year.”