‘Craig Mitchell’ Wins A Car Thanks to Queen of the South



As part of the clubs weekly prize draw, all those who enter the Deluxe draw for just £2 per week have the chance to win a brand new car.  This season’s car draw took place prior to our final home game against Livingston and the lucky winner from the 10 shortlisted entrants was Craig Mitchell of Dumfries.


To be in with a chance of winning like Craig, is simple, all you have to do is take part in the weekly draw.  For a pound a week, those taking part have two chances of winning a daily prize of £25 and £50 Monday to Friday and a weekly winner will pick up £500 on a Saturday, that means nearly a dozen people who enter the weekly draw will win.


For those who opt into the Deluxe draw there is the monthly chance of winning £1,000.  The monthly draw prize increases to £3000 at Christmas and of course there is the once a year chance of winning a new set of wheels.


You’ve got to be in it to win it though and there is many ways your can join.  You can pay by direct debit, by cheque or card at the club office, join online or by contacting one of our many agents across Dumfries and Galloway, all the details are available at www.qosfc.com or if you don’t have access to a computer then you can call the club on 01387 254853.
  picture of Queens Chairman Billy Hewitson handing over the keys to this season’s winner, Craig Mitchell


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