DGWGO were contacted today by the proud parents of a very thoughtful 9 year old boy ‘Tyler Ross’ from Creetown, who has decided to have his head shaved to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Tylers parents told DGWGO “Our son Tyler Ross, aged 9, came home from his local youth club recently saying he would like to take part in a fundraising event they had been discussing and asked if he could get all his hair shaved off! Without any hesitation we said yes, and we were very proud that he was willing to do such a major thing for such a worthy cause.

The charity they are fundraising for is Cancer Research UK, in memory of Wendy Davis, a lovely local lassie who sadly lost her battle recently after fighting so bravely and always with a smile throughout.

Tyler started, along with his Nannie and Papa, to collect sponsorship during the Easter holidays, and to date he has over £300. We have since set up a “Just Giving” page, the link is below, to reach family and friends further a field.

Tyler, along with another boy, will be having ALL of his hair shaved off on Monday 27th June at his local youth club in Creetown. 

We are trying to spread the word for support on the evening as well as raising a lot of money hopefully, for such a worthy cause in memory of Wendy who touched so many hearts.”

You can donate on this link  https://www.justgiving.com/Robert-Ross9?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=fundraisingpage&utm_content=Robert-Ross9&utm_campaign=pfp-share


Robert and Pam Ross


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