


It is a priority for Dumfries and Galloway Council to protect our most vulnerable people.

The Winter Warmth for Older People Project provides a free kindling and logs service to vulnerable older people, who use traditional forms of heating, and are in fuel poverty across Dumfries and Galloway. Each year, the service is provided from October to March.

The service is delivered through a partnership of The Hub and the Criminal Justice Community Payback Unit, supported by Age Scotland, Loreburn Housing Association, the Council’s Financial Inclusion and Assessment Team, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, and Home Energy Scotland.

Community Payback Unit clients provided 12,600 unpaid work hours to the project.

Feedback gathered from customers (330 responses) after the 2014/15 season showed that:
58% of respondents live alone
13% receive care and support from external agencies
68% have a long term condition
21% have mobility issues
5% use a use a wheelchair
25% formerly served in the armed forces
24.5% have an open fire as their only source of heating
40% receive both State Pension and Occupational Pension
60% receive means tested benefits
75% spend more than 105 of their net income on keeping their home warm
71% find it difficult to heat their home
45% state that difficulty in heating their home has an impact on their long term health

Customer feedback showed that:
89% rate the frequency of deliveries as good or excellent
81.5% rate the quality of wood delivered as good or excellent
92% rate the delivery team service as good or excellent
90% say the service makes a positive impact on their lives
87% regard their homes as difficult to heat
87% feel that they wouldn’t be able to afford to keep warm without this service

Customer comments include:
“Means I’m able to put the fire on more often and for longer.”
“Makes a difference to my health as I need to keep warm and my home is very difficult to heat.”
“Helps make my coal last longer. Without logs I couldn’t afford to keep warm.”
“I might lose my independence as I live on my own and can’t cut kindling or logs anymore.”
“I would struggle to heat my home.”
“It’s a great help to me as the power supply isn’t reliable here.”

Council Leader Ronnie Nicholson said, “Protecting our must vulnerable people is a key priority for our Council. We want our most vulnerable residents, many of whom live in poverty or suffer poor health, to have the support and resources they need to live healthy and independent lives. Customer feedback shows that the Winter Warmth for Older People Project is highly regarded and absolutely vital in tackling financial and fuel poverty in our region. I commend everyone who has been involved in delivering a first class service.”