Local Funeral Director in Dalbeattie , Gordon Lockhart has started a  protest petition in his office, For people to sign that are Against the Closure of the Local Branch of the Royal bank of Scotland !  
A local spokesperson that contacted DGWGO to ask us to help bring attention to the Petition stated

” I guess the main thing is that lots of the older folk are very upset by this proposed closure. They don’t have online banking and they’ll have no option but to get on the bus (there are many non-drivers here) and go all the way over to Castle Douglas. Not that easy. ”

“Also, the staff at Dalbeattie RBS are beyond brilliant. Cheerful, friendly, efficient, a delight to deal with. They make a point of remembering names and greeting their customers personally. We are going to miss them sorely if this goes through.”

“It’s kind of appropriate that a funeral director is organising the petition. It did feel like a bereavement when we all got our letters about the branch closure. Another knife wound in the ‘death of a thousand”

If You want to sign the petition you can pop into Gordon’s office ( pictured) which is conveniently located at The Cross and is open 10-5 daily, not Sundays.

Gordon is hoping to get a lot of local support on this good old fashioned sign your name on paper petition . Please do drop in and sign your name !


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