Damning Report Issued Into Closure Of North West Campus

A reporthas been issued by ‘Scottish Futures Trust’ about the sudden closure of a brand new multi million pound school campus in Dumfries due to safety issues in 2018, the report carried out by GLM states there was “confusion” over who was responsible for the quality of the work.

The report titled ‘Root Cause Analysis’ of the closure North West Community Campus
Dumfries was carried out following the collapse of a ceiling during the construction phase in July 2018, and other incidents that occured whilst the school was in use and puplis were attending, the North West Community Campus in Dumfries was closed for seven months to
rectify a significant number of defects.

GLM were  commissioned to carry out the root cause analysis into
three incidents that occured at the state of the art campus.

• the collapse of the staff room ceiling prior to handover,
• once possession (as defined in the Beneficial Access supplementary agreement) was
taken a sliding door which came from its runner, and
• a Promethean smart screen which struck a child.

The full report can be read HERE


South Scotland MSP Colin Smyth said, “It is shocking that it has taken so long for this report to be made public. The appalling systematic failures it exposes show why the Government was so keen to keep the findings quiet and only release them the day Parliament goes into recess so no questions can be asked.”
“The report exposes the fact that the whole model used by the Government to build schools is fundamentally broken with so many bodies involved but no one in charge, taken responsibility and it is the safety of pupils and staff who were put at risk as a result. It was clear that the council were misled by contractors and Government agencies and there now needs to be a fundamental review of the Government processes before these appalling failures are repeated in other parts of Scotland”.


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