
Local Organisation Set To Deliver Day Care Services

A LOCAL organisation has won the contract to provide day care services in Stranraer.

Stranraer Skills Station successfully bid for the contract with Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership, and will now deliver local services for older people and people living with dementia who require support within the community.

DGHSCP General Manager for Community Health and Social Care Graham Abrines said: “We’re delighted that Stranraer Skills Station, a local organisation which currently delivers a range services in the Stranraer area, will provide day care services in Stranraer from April 1 2019.
“The new service will be provided across two venues in Stranraer, with up to eight people attending each venue per day.”

National social care charity Community Integrated Care has successfully delivered the service from its Thorneycroft Care Home for over 20 years, but has recently made some changes to the support they provide in the West of the region.

Alison Tait, Chief Operating Officer, Community Integrated Care, said: “Our charity has a long and proud history of supporting people in the heart of the Stranraer community.
“However, as people seek more modern forms of day support, demand for our day care service has fallen, whilst the need for more residential care has increased.
“As we look to respond to the needs of our community and expand our residential services within the area, we are delighted to see another local provider be appointed to continue to deliver a day care service to those who need it.”
Mr Abrines said: “We would like to thank Community Integrated Care for the day care they have provided over the years and for working closely in partnership with us to identify a solution to ensure the ongoing provision of this support.
“Looking ahead, we are certain that Stranraer Skills Station have the right skills, knowledge and commitment to personal care to continue delivering a first rate day care service for Stranraer and the wider community.”

Day care provides a range of activities aimed at helping older people to continue living at home or with their family or carer.

Services can offer help with everyday tasks and personal care, provide the chance to meet people, make friends and learn new skills, provide a break for the person and their carer, and offer opportunities to be part of a community.

Day care may only be needed for a short time, perhaps to regain confidence after a spell in hospital.

Alternatively, support might be required on a more regular basis.

Stranraer Skills Station say they are proud and enthusiastic to have been awarded the contract.

Gillian Templeton, Service Manager from Stranraer Skills Station, said: “We are a compassionate, professional and responsive support service, providing support to individuals living in our local community, over the age of 16 years.
“We aim to ensure every individuals’ outcomes are realised and promoted in order that they lead a good quality of life, maintaining their dignity, independence, safety and wellbeing.
“We pride ourselves on the quality of care we deliver ensuring this is carried out in a person-centred way and our customers’ wishes take precedence in everything we do.”

Work is currently underway for Stranraer Skills Service to begin delivery of day care services from April 1 2019, and preparations are being made at the two venues in Stranraer at Corsewall Crescent and Harbour Street.

Anyone with enquiries relating to the arrangements is invited to contact the Social Work Team in the first instance on 030 33 33 3001.



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