
Warning Issued Over Increased Risk of Deer Collisions On Regions Roads

Between May and June each year, the highest number of deer collisions occur across Scotland. It’s thought strikes could be as high as 9000 per year, with as many as 100 humans injured as a result.

The peak time of day for these collisions is early evening until midnight and a lesser occurrence in the early morning from 6 until 9am.

In Scotland at least 40% of these collisions occur on A-class roads. With wild deer populations increasing by 50% over the last 50 years, prevalence in urban areas is also increasing. The number of cars on our roads has also nearly doubled during this time.

Deer can suddenly appear from wooded areas adjacent to trunk roads. It is necessary to report a deer strike to police, regardless of whether you are injured or your car isn’t damaged, the deer could have sustained an injury and may be suffering.

Some useful advice from motoring authorities is:

  • Don’t approach an injured deer, as it may be dangerous
  • Report all deer collisions to local police as they will contact appropriate authorities
  • Use full beams after dark, when no oncoming traffic is around, illuminating deer’s eyes
  • Dim lights when approaching a deer so as not to startle it
  • Avoid swerving suddenly as a collision with oncoming traffic could result in serious injury
  • You should only brake sharply if there is no following traffic
  • Drive aware to the situation

Info and Image supplied by http://www.scotlandtranserv.co.uk

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