The Old well Theatre in Moffat will be working alongside Rachel Byers a local Dementia Friendly community worker and Helen Cook From Move Memories Experience to create a Dementia friendly evening at the theatre.

Rachel talks to businesses and to groups such as the Old Well Theatre to see how they can play a part in creating a Dementia Friendly Community in the theatre and in Moffat generally. It is her job to engage with people living with dementia and  their carers and families.

A spokes person for the theatre said “Rachel will be coming along to the Old well Theatre in Moffat on Friday, 19th January, to give an hour long Dementia Friend session, to enable us to help raise the level of understanding and awareness, and to enable us to give a better experience to any of our audience who might suffering from dementia. 
Also coming along on Friday is Helen Cook who you may know from the monthly Musical Minds sessions held in Moffat Town Hall. Helen has organised a TV and Movie Memories Experience.  She will be showing brief film clips, has lots of TV and film memorabilia to share with us, and will be running a quiz.  Having attended this session in Dumfries, where it is already up and running on a monthly basis, I can tell you that it is great fun!  Reminiscence has been proved to be a powerful therapeutic activity for people living with dementia and other memory problems.  Helen is looking to run such a session in Moffat also.”

The evening starts at 7.30 on Friday the 19th of January.


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