£103,000 Grant Given To Charity for Development of Empty Building – Dumfries

A local charity have been awarded £103,000 from the Dumfries & Galloway Council Town Centre Living Fund to help with the costs of converting a once-derelict building into four rentable properties.


47 Castle Street, one of Dumfries’ most important A-listed buildings, was lying empty and derelict after its property developer owners went bust.  Castle Street is an important street in the town’s Conservation area and Number 47 was derelict for several years. The charity St Bride’s Church Ltd  has worked tirelessly to renovate the building and will use the Council grant to finish work on the gable end of the building and complete the flats.

“We are very pleased that Dumfries & Galloway Council have chosen to support us in our efforts to provide more rental properties in the town centre of Dumfries”, said one of the charity’s trustees.  “We have worked closely with the Council’s conservation officer and planners, and we are delighted that our project has met with universal approval from elected members.It is our firm belief that Dumfries does benefit from having more people living in the town centre, and we know our efforts will support the regeneration of the town.”

St Bride’s Church Ltd also own and manage Greyfriars Kirk, Church Crescent, one of the most iconic buildings in Dumfries, providing the stunning backdrop to the Burns Statue. St Bride’s have also renovated and re-opened Rugman’s Hall at 92 Whitesands.  St Bride’s Church Ltd is a limited company, registered with the Office of Scottish Charity Regulator as a charity (SC 040685) Company number: SC362396.

Details on D&G Council’s Town Centre Living Fund can be found here: http://www.dumgal.gov.uk/article/17435/Town-Centre-Sites

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