Devils Porridge Museum Unveils Victory Avenue Mystery – Gretna

An amazing new discovery has been shared with The Devil’s Porridge Museum.  “It’s a mystery really” said Judith Hewitt, Museum Manager “and we’re really intrigued by it.”


Callum Boyd, a resident of Victory Avenue in Gretna, was doing some maintenance in his house when he discovered a wall painting on the plaster.  It showed a grave with a cross containing the words, “Here lies the body of Jack Ellmenery or Elmenwery (?) Departed this life for the country’s good AD 1916”



Callum’s house on Victory Avenue was built in World War One to house some of the 30,000 workers who worked in munitions at HM Factory Gretna.  “Callum thought the picture would be of interest to us at the Museum as our main focus is to share the story of the greatest factory on earth in World War One” continued Judith.  “and he was right!”

“The picture raises a lot of questions for us.  It seems likely Jack died in World War One but who was he and what was his connection with HM Factory Gretna?  While we can’t help wondering who drew the picture, it is doubtful we will find out but you never know!  It may have been drawn by one of the 10,000 navvies who built the Factory and the townships of Eastriggs and Gretna or it may have been drawn by one of the 12,000 Gretna Girls who mixed the devil’s porridge.  We will do our best to find out.”


“While the actual piece of plaster sadly crumbled to nothing, we are pleased to have the photographs and are really grateful to Callum for sharing them with us” commented Judith, “I think it is amazing what history there is right in front of our noses (or hidden in our houses!)”

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