Members of Dumfries and Galloway’s Diabetes team, led by Dr Fiona Green, have always taken their responsibilities seriously.  Now their dedication has been recognised in the Scottish Diabetes Managed Clinical Network Audit – a rigorous test of standards and performance which checks and compares the quality of diabetes care across Scotland.


Dumfries and Galloway has the most successful and comprehensive screening services for people with diabetes in Scotland, essential in the early diagnosis and treatment of potentially serious complications. The Diabetes Team has also provided structured education, a fundamental tool in the promotion of successful self management, to the highest percentage of people with diabetes in the country.


The Audit also reports that Dumfries and Galloway has the best recorded levels of glucose control and the lowest levels of patient disengagement, both significant achievements given the high prevalence of diabetes in the area and the extensive geography of the region.


The Diabetes Team is delighted with the results and Diabetes Specialist Nurse, Jill Maciver, said:  “We are a close knit and progressive team with fantastic leadership.  This means we are able to work together to identify areas for improvement and make any necessary changes or developments quickly and smoothly.


“Colleagues in primary care also provide us with excellent support and we will continue to work closely with them to keep providing the best diabetes care in the country.”


PICTURE SHOWS:  Dumfries and Galloway’s successful Diabetes Team

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