Anybody that follows the DGWGO facebook page or the ‘We Love Dumfries and Galloway‘ Facebook group will already be familiar with the name ‘Duncan McNaught’. Duncan posts his wonderful photos of our region almost every day on these pages, and he is out there through all weathers in all seasons with his trusty camera taking some of the most wonderful photos you can imagine.

In this, wonderfully honest and frank blog Duncan tells DGWGO all about how his passion for photography started and how it still keeps him busy all these years later.

Duncan Says –

“I was born in Dumfries and grew up in Dalry at the age of 21 when I moved to my current home in Glenlee, Galloway which is and always will be home, I love the wild parts of Galloway, in particular, the hills, many lochs and of course the wonderful flora and fauna.

My first experience with a camera was on a family holiday, when given a 110 cartridge type to experiment with, and looking through the tiny viewfinder I realized I could not get a complete view in one shot, so I thought what if I take three shots get them developed and see if I could join them altogether.  I eagerly awaited my first ever photographs, arriving in the post, my three shots did not join up very well but looking back it was a good first attempt, wow I was hooked.

My hobby continued throughout my teenage years into adulthood, by then I was working full time and bought myself a canon EOS600 SLR this was a huge step to take and, to be honest, was a huge learning curve for me, to this day I really do not like reading instructions manuals for anything and prefer to go press some buttons to see what happens.  It seemed to work my skill level improved so I decided to join Kirkcudbright Camera Club, I entered several of the competitions and even managed to win the odd one or two.

I worked for Galloway Hydro’s based out of Glenlee Power Station, I married in 1996.  Family life and commitments took over for a while and as a result, my photography was put on the back burner, until one Christmas my wife bought me a EOS350D SLR, (digital)

I was very grateful but at the same time cynical about digital cameras, talking about pixels etc was just mind-boggling at the time, however after some trial and error and more button pressing I was converted.[/vc_column_text][vc_gallery type=”nivo” interval=”10″ images=”47546,47545,47544,47543,47542,47541,47540,47539,47538,47537,47536,47535,47534,47531,47530″ img_size=”large”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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In 2007 I sustained a significant back injury which left me debilitated for the most of that year, late November I managed to return to work and was given a new post at the power station which I loved and continued to do for the next 5 years, however my pain began to increase, due to complications with medication etc I was forced to retire early 2012. Life got very dark for the next two years and at times I just wanted to give up.

With access to the correct treatment things started to improve albeit very slowly at first, but with a renewed determination and increase in energy, mobility and more importantly brain function I once again picked up my camera. A new Canon EOS7D came along, new lenses and a new zest for life my photography was well and truly in top gear.

Currently, I hold a licentiate certificate from the Royal Photographic Society

I am considering applying for an affiliate distinction.

My favorite places to visit must be Loch Dee, Clatteringshaws Loch, the Black Loch, our wonderful coastline, the more wild and untamed the better.
I would advise anyone starting out not to get too hung up on expensive cameras, big lenses and megapixels, an expensive camera does not make a good photographer, learn to see and compose first, the rule of thirds is a great starting point, don’t be too critical on yourself, take lots of shots and remember the best zoom lens is your legs. I always shoot in manual and in raw for the best possible quality.”

Canon Eos 6d (full frame)
Canon Eos 7d
24- 105mm lens
70-200mm lens
12-24mm lens
Various filters
Raincoat (we live in Scotland)
Walking boots

For further information on my photography please visit my websites




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