Our sponsor dance for yorkhill event and the reasons behind why i chose to raise funds for yorkhill children’s hospital.

I am organising a sponsor dance for yorkhill event, which is a 2 hour event where participants are sponsored to dance any type of dancing they wish. There will be performances from a dance company aswell as myself and a group of 10 children. There is also 2 face painters going to be there and there will be cake sales and raffles taking place on the day aswell. The sponsored dance will take place on the 12th of July 2014 at 2pm at the David Keswick centre.

My story and the reason behind raising these funds.

I have always known about yorkhill children’s hospital from stories ive read in papers ect and was aware of how good of a hospital it was, but when my son became seriously unwell and was rushed to yorkhill, it was then i realised how amazing the hospital and staff are!

Nathan my son (aged 5 and a half months old at the time) woke at 7am like any other morning until i layed him down to change his bum and he let out an almighty scream! I knew instantly that something wasn’t right, i got my sister to rush us upto Dumfries royal infirmary where Nathan underwent various tests and scans, it was after these tests that it was discovered that Nathan had intussception. Which is a problem with his bowel where his bowel was twisted and sucked itself inside itself, Nathan was then rushed by ambulance to yorkhill hospital to undergo a 4hour lifesaving operation as if it was left undetected any longer he would have died. They managed to straighten out his bowel during operation and spent the next week and a half recovering from his operation undergoing amazing aftercare from the staff nurses and doctors, and made a great recovery and i was able to take him home once he was back to eating and using his bowels properly. 10 months had past and we thought that would be him, healthy and happy. That was until Nathan caught a sickness bug. Nathan had been being sick for a couple of days and i wasn’t overly worried with it being just a bug, but then Nathan stopped eating and drinking annd hadn’t moved his bowels that day, so that night, i took him upto out of hours at Dumfries royal infirmary, where they then told me that his intussception was back! We were again rushed up to yorkhill by ambulace. Nathan again had to undergo a 4 hour operation but this time they had to remove 6inches from his bowel. The operation went well and the aftercare by the staff at yorkhill was amazing! Its because of these amazing people and this amazing hospital that i still have my son with me and for this i will be eternally grateful! Nathan is now nearly 3 and doing really well, he still has to undergo some tests to do with his bowels but he is a very healthy happy wee boy!

After seeing how amazing the staff are and how well they looked after my son it is for these reasons i have chose to do a sponsored event to raise as much awareness and funds for this incredible hospital as possible. I am asking for participants and for people to just show support to everyone who is taking part, wether it being sponsoring those taking part or just coming along to show support on the day of the event. All money raised and collected will be donated to yorkhill children’s charity, which is an amazing charity and helps supply the hospital with equipment,  toys, games ect to accommodate all the children and the families who attend this hospital. If people would like to get involved contact me on 07713856660, whether they want to take part or to sponsor or even just form more details. I will be happy to answer any questions.

Full details of the event can be found on this link http://www.dgwgo.com/ai1ec_event/dance-yorkhill-sponsored-event/?instance_id=25668

Kind regards

Rebecca Vlachogianni (main fundraiser)

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