The Galloway Raiders is a new online presence for people interested in the works of Galloway writer S.R.Crockett (1859 -1914)
Membership is free and you can join by going to the website . While primarily an online presence, The Galloway Raiders are organising a series of events from April 13th-18th in Galloway to mark the 100th anniversary and the republishing of Crockett’s work as ‘The Galloway Collection.’ You can find all these events listed on the DGWGO events calendar at www.dgwgo.com/events

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of Galloway writer S.R.Crockett, a major collection of his works is being published by Ayton Publishing Limited. This 32 volume collection encompasses all his work written with Galloway central to the work and will be available in ebook and paperback from April 16th.
We hope you might be interested in attending some of the events locally. And of course that you will join the growing band of people who are rediscovering this important, yet overlooked Scottish author.
To find out more just go to www.gallowayraiders.co.uk
And for more information about events click HERE https://www.facebook.com/gallowayraiders?fref=ts


The main Picture ( Taken by R.B Photography ) Is Hestan Island , which Crockett called Rathens island in his noval The Raiders, you can find out more about Hestan island on this link http://www.dgwgo.com/blogs/r-b-photography/r-b-guided-walk-hestan-island/

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