1 a 1 a Employment relationships A5On Tuesday 16 September BAAGS will be hosting an event in the Cairndale Hotel, Dumfries aimed at all employers, managers, business owners, employment support staff, teachers, voluntary groups and third sector organsiations, social workers, careers advisors, parents, carers, individuals on the autistic spectrum and any others who may wish to learn more about encouraging an autistic person to gain employment skills and experience.

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The event is organised by BAAGS , and independent parent-run support group based in the Scottish Borders (Galashiels) but which covers the whole of the Borders, including Dumfriesshire.



There will be four speakers delivering short presentations between 1pm and 4pm. Cost is £40 per person and will include lunch. The speakers are a solicitor with vast experience and 1 a 1 a Dugals Friday Focusknowledge of Employment Law, an Company Director of a firm which employes young adults with a wide range of disabilities including autism, a Company Owner who founded the firm initially to help his son who has autism gain useful employment and a very intelligent lady who has had an exceptionally varied career including working as an Autism Co-ordinator and Government Advisor – who also has autism.

We would very much appreciate being able to maximise this event through all media options to reach as many people as possible in our aim to promote the skills autistic people have and how they could benefit and improve the working environment for all trades and business areas so please do share this link to anyone you know who it may help .


Find out more at http://www.baags.co.uk/

How to contact BAAGS

Address :

Borders Asperger & Autism Group (BAAGS)
1 Cotgreen Road

E-Mail :

[email protected]


Telephone :

Call Derek on 01896 668 961

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