DGWGO Friday Focus – Can You Help Langholm Sings Sing?

1 a 1 a Choir advertLangholm Sings is a community choir formed in March 2012, with members from Langholm and surrounding areas including Newcastleton, Canonbie, Waterbeck and Gretna.
We are seeking an energetic and dedicated Musical Director with a sense of fun, who can further develop the choir, bring fresh ideas and attract new members. We are looking for someone with the ability to inspire and motivate by providing coaching to develop singing and sight reading skills further.
A high level of musical ability and a commitment to plan a schedule of music are a pre-requisite along with a wide knowledge of the choral repertoire. The MD will be required to liaise, collaborate and appoint musicians and soloists as required for individual concerts. Our rehearsal schedule is every Wednesday night 7-9pm in our local Community centre.

If you can help please contact Sharon Tolson by email on  [email protected]1 a 1 a Dugals Friday Focus

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