1 a 1 a Dugals Friday FocusDGWGO Were Contacted this week by  a voluntary group called Dumfries global ed group this is a group of local young people who all volunteer weekly in there local community.



Their slogan is “inform educate others understand act change”. This group are going off to Australia in September where there will be taking part in a world conference and a youth 1 a 1 a oz 1conference which is ran by IAVE (international association for volunteer effort). Where the group will also be delivering workshops to other young people around volunteering and in particular volunteering with you people who have additional support needs and disabilities.

The group have already raised over £37,000 and to do a final push for the final amount they need to raise ,They are holding a quiz night on Friday the 25th of July ( Tonight) for over 18s at Summerhill Community centre with entry at £2 a ticket.


Below is how the group describe themselves

We are a group of young people who volunteer in our local community and we plan to take our volunteering experiences further afield. We have been given the opportunity to take part in the International Association of Volunteer Effort (IAVE) World Youth Conference in Australia in September this year. As well as taking part in the conference we will  co facilitate workshops with professional facilitators and also deliver a workshop of our own at the conference.

Fundraising has been a main priority so far to pay for conference fees, flights and accommodation. While in Australia we will be taking part in different volunteering programmes as well as getting the opportunity to meet other youth volunteers from all over the world. 

Two of our group members are part of the organising committee and represent Europe in the planning

Find Out More on the groups website at http://www.dumfriesdownunder.com/

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