Welcome to DGWGO’s First ever Friday Focus . Every Friday we will be Creating an article Focusing on a Local D&G Based Charity, Community or Non for Profit Facebook page or Group ! This week is ‘The Nith Catchment Fishery Trust ‘



The Nith Catchment Fishery Trust is a company which has gained charitable status and has been formed to conserve and enhance all native freshwater fish and their habitats located within the inland and coastal waters of the River Nith catchment, from New Cumnock to Glencaple and along the coast to Sandyhills.  The Trust works closely with the Nith District Salmon Fishery Board to conservation freshwater fish including salmon, sea trout, eel and lamprey and is involved in a wide range of work including juvenile salmonid surveys, invertebrate surveys, habitat enhancement and the control of invasive non-native species within the catchment.  As part of our remit to educate and increase awareness of the aquatic environment we also take part in projects such as the Fishing for the Future project and events such as D&G Environment Day and Galloway Country Fair.  Being a charity we rely on donations, grants and volunteers to make our work possible.  Thank you to everyone who has contributed over the last few years.


To find out more about the trust you can follow them on these links !






If you would like your Local D&G Based Charity, Community or Non for Profit Facebook page or Group to be one of our Friday Focus Articles then please contact us on [email protected]