1 a 1 a stranraer summer 1Stranraer Summer Festivities pays homage to the dragoon of dedicated organisations who plot, plan and deliver an amazing variety of activities to entertain locals and visitors alike. 1 a 1 a Dugals Friday FocusAlthough most of the events do take place during our Glorious Scottish Summers, a fair few brighten up the shoulder months and bring cheer to the seasons of early nights and frosty weather.

From music festivals to exhibitions, sailing and sporting events Stranraer is fast gaining a reputation as a vibrant community with a “can do” attitude when it comes to events and community led entertainment. Castle Square, Agnew Park, the marina and Stair Park all provide intimate entertainment settings in Dumfries and Galloway’s only major port town.

Stranraer meets the sea loch of Ryan head on, and it is this proximity that sometimes gives the town a suggestion of a traditional seaside resort. However the hinterland influences of pristine moorland combined with a traditional farming community combines to give this town a unique feel all of its own and something which is far more substantial than the “kiss me quick” thrills of other sea girdled settlements. We hope that you keep visiting our page as we gather information and link you in to all of the hardworking groups and individuals who are responsible for putting a skein of colour through the parks and public spaces of Stranraer.

Stranraer Summer Festivities Facebook page is being developed by Sid Ambrose as part of a commission from Dumfries and Galloway Council to assist in the regeneration of Stranraer town centre through the arts


Follow Stranraer summer festivities on their facebook page at  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stranraer-Summer-Festivities/467310423371713

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