RDH3 – The 5 Capitals challenge.

In 2016 we’re back, bigger, better, harder. Raising money for Cash for Kids and Care of Police Survivors (COPS).

Starting in London, we’ll run in 10km relay legs 24 hours a day from start to finish. 5 runners and their support crew will head west for Cardiff before running the length of Wales to Holyhead before getting the ferry to Dublin in the Republic of Ireland. We’ll run up through Ireland to Belfast in Northern Ireland before getting another ferry back to home soil at Stranraer in Scotland. We will then set off for Edinburgh where we hope to coincide our arrival with the start of the 2016 Edinburgh marathon (29 May). All 5 runners will complete the marathon before running from the finish in Musselburgh back in to Edinburgh to complete our challenge at Edinburgh Castle.

This is an enormous undertaking for us and your support would be appreciated. Various events will be held in the lead up to the run itself to raise more money for two fantastic charities:Cash for Kids and Care of Police Survivors

RDH “Justgiving” team page is now live! Follow the link below to donate now! https://www.justgiving.com/teams/rundoonhame3


DGWGO is proud to be the OFFICIAL media partner for The Run Doonhame 2016

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