Wing and a Prayer is  Scotlands only hen rescue with charitable status (SCIO No. SC045052) and have collection points all over Scotland form Inverness to Dumfries and Galloway, working with farmers to rehome ex-commercial hens.

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A Spokesperson from the team at Dumfries told DGWGO ” We will only re-home to people who can assure us that they will looked after for the rest of their natural life and have shelter and freedom to range in a safe environment.
Commercial hens are generally ‘spent’ by the age of 18 months, when their egg laying productivity diminishes. Battery (or caged as they are now called post 2012) only see the inside of a shed from their cage, some not even that if they are on the top layer of cages, blinded by the lights that blaze incessantly in an attempt to simulate daylight and increase egg production. Their eyes and lungs would burn from the vapour from the ammonia in the droppings. ”

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“Because of the size of the cages they have little opportunity to stretch legs and wings or to preen and the new enriched cages mean that fighting among the birds is common. Free range hens don’t always fare much better. Due to regulations within the industry farmers are required to replenish their stock every 18 months, so there are thousands of caged and free range hens in need of homes on a regular basis. Those not re-homed are sent to slaughter.”
“They make marvellous pets, help keep weeds at bay, provide hours of free entertainment and provide eggs for months to come.”


1 a 1 a hens 4Wing and a Prayer a Scottish hen rehoming charity are rehoming 1000 hens this weekend and need forever homes for them.
We ask £3.50 for each hen
There is a DUMFRIES collection point near Cargenbridge,Dumfries
To reserve hens go to http://wingandaprayerrescue.co.uk OR Facebook page Wing and a Prayer Hen Rescue SCIO